Dr. Hazel Henderson is a renowned futurist that prescribed what might take place in the next fifteen years in 2007 [1]. This blog captures the first three years assessment of the fifteen. To begin, Dr. Henderson states that “Futurists do not have crystal balls. The best of us seek to identify trends, ahead of conventional wisdom”.
Dr. Henderson has a domain of concern for the human family and it is that filter that yields the range of predictions. Dr. Henderson predicts that the model of the European Union collaboratively working out issues will by used in other regions and that smaller bodies of nations will not be deciding and enforcing rules upon others. There has been no evident movement toward this end in light of ongoing conflicts and power positions and their actors. There appear to be groups of states remaining in tact in several regions.
Monetarily, Dr. Henderson predicts that Asia will move toward a regional currency and a financial power base which appears to be entirely true in evidence of monetary strength at the three year mark. Dr. Henderson is completely correct in areas of currency and monetary values. Dr. Henderson states that entities will move dollars to Euros and Yens and dollars will be at risk of value. This will be exacerbated by disapproval of US policy. Within two years of these predictions there was a complete collapse of the financial system and the slide continues downward of the dollar’s value against the Euro. Dr. Henderson predicts that after the upheaval a new system of valuation may emerge not based on gold. There is currently wide concern that dollars have inadequate backing of physical value.
Regarding social and human welfare, Dr. Henderson predicts that the United Nations will emerge as the focal point for mediating global concerns. The United States is harshly singled out as an obstacle to the proper functioning of the United Nations. This prediction will have to be watched with hope as the future unfolds.
Taxation; there is too much of it on everything. A simple telephone line costs about $18 per month, until taxes, fees, and surcharges are added for a total bill of $28. According to Henderson, the future will see taxation increase on waste, pollution, and planned obsolescence. In a world that is striving to be more ‘green’, it is logical to tax the predicted categories. How many years of legislation, and then enforcement, at how much cost, will it take to arrive at such taxation? Is it possible to wrangle through the bureaucracy of legislation and fight the warriors that don’t want it to be so to achieve a swing in the taxation base? This prediction may take a while longer than 15 years.
Henderson predicts that the world will move away from fossil fuels; this is definitely true with wind power, and MICRO wind power.
What about the United States eliminating insurance companies from the medical care cost equation? Dr. Henderson is certain on this point; definitely yes. Major debate is currently raging across the land on this issue.
While it is too early to tell if some of the 15 years predictions made by Dr. Henderson will come to pass, it is clearly evident that many of those predictions are underway.
[1] Henderson, Hazel. 2007. The Next 15 Years. Essays on the Future. GreenMoney Journal. Volume 15, issue 4, number 63.
Dr. Henderson has a domain of concern for the human family and it is that filter that yields the range of predictions. Dr. Henderson predicts that the model of the European Union collaboratively working out issues will by used in other regions and that smaller bodies of nations will not be deciding and enforcing rules upon others. There has been no evident movement toward this end in light of ongoing conflicts and power positions and their actors. There appear to be groups of states remaining in tact in several regions.
Monetarily, Dr. Henderson predicts that Asia will move toward a regional currency and a financial power base which appears to be entirely true in evidence of monetary strength at the three year mark. Dr. Henderson is completely correct in areas of currency and monetary values. Dr. Henderson states that entities will move dollars to Euros and Yens and dollars will be at risk of value. This will be exacerbated by disapproval of US policy. Within two years of these predictions there was a complete collapse of the financial system and the slide continues downward of the dollar’s value against the Euro. Dr. Henderson predicts that after the upheaval a new system of valuation may emerge not based on gold. There is currently wide concern that dollars have inadequate backing of physical value.
Regarding social and human welfare, Dr. Henderson predicts that the United Nations will emerge as the focal point for mediating global concerns. The United States is harshly singled out as an obstacle to the proper functioning of the United Nations. This prediction will have to be watched with hope as the future unfolds.
Taxation; there is too much of it on everything. A simple telephone line costs about $18 per month, until taxes, fees, and surcharges are added for a total bill of $28. According to Henderson, the future will see taxation increase on waste, pollution, and planned obsolescence. In a world that is striving to be more ‘green’, it is logical to tax the predicted categories. How many years of legislation, and then enforcement, at how much cost, will it take to arrive at such taxation? Is it possible to wrangle through the bureaucracy of legislation and fight the warriors that don’t want it to be so to achieve a swing in the taxation base? This prediction may take a while longer than 15 years.
Henderson predicts that the world will move away from fossil fuels; this is definitely true with wind power, and MICRO wind power.
What about the United States eliminating insurance companies from the medical care cost equation? Dr. Henderson is certain on this point; definitely yes. Major debate is currently raging across the land on this issue.
While it is too early to tell if some of the 15 years predictions made by Dr. Henderson will come to pass, it is clearly evident that many of those predictions are underway.
[1] Henderson, Hazel. 2007. The Next 15 Years. Essays on the Future. GreenMoney Journal. Volume 15, issue 4, number 63.
Dr.. Hazel Henderson is a name I have heard there is a talent and what you can do. A scientific thinking and progress. friv 7